Reversing Pendant Direction (Mach3)

Description of the problem:

The axis is moving in the opposite direction that you are commanding with the pendant.


To reverse the pendant direction with a Apollo III or Interpreter 1000, follow these steps (for Apollo I, see below):

 1. Go to **PlugIn Control->Vital DSPMC Status**

 2. Rotate the MPG and identify which channel the signal is coming in on

 3. Go to **Config->Config Plugins**

 4. Press the yellow CONFIG button next to the M3DSPMC Plugin

 5. On the **System** tab find the _Hardware Encoder Polarity_ box

 6. Reverse the polarity on the channel identified in step 2

 7. Press the \[**Update DSPMC**\] button

 8. Press \[**OK**\]

For Apollo I, follow these steps:

 1. Open the Pokeys plugin \(similar to opening M3DSPMC plugin above\)

 2. Press \[**Configure**\]

 3. On the **Encoders settings** tab,  check/uncheck **Invert** on Fast encoder 1

  1. Press [OK]

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