Mitsubishi VFD All Clear

Description of the problem:

If you are trying to get your spindle to run and have changed a bunch of parameters and are still not successful, it is sometimes helpful to do an "all clear" and start over.


For the Mitsubishi D700 VFD, do the following:

  1. Press "PU/EXT" to put the VFD in PU mode

  1. Press "MODE" until you see "P 0"
  2. Scroll dial backwards until you see "ALLC"
  3. Press "SET"
  4. Set the value to 1 using the dial
  5. Press "SET"
  6. Cycle the power to the VFD (power down fully, then power up)

At this point, the VFD should be reset to default values. Next, for typical spindles and setups, set the following values:

Change parameters 3, 18, and 125 to your spindle's Maximum Frequency.

Change parameters 72 and 73 to 10.

It may be necessary to further complete some basic parameters according to the Installation Guide starting on page 10:

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