Interpreter 1000 Tuning

PID Tuning Overview:

Below are default values for tuning

P - 1000

I - 2

D - 260

Offset - 0

Scale - 1000

Max Error I - 100,000 (has been as low as 100 on some systems).

Possible issues due to poor tuning:

  1. Axis jogs only one way in small increment step jogging. This is caused by the offset being incorrect.

  2. Axis runs away on enable or motion command and you get a FE. This is caused by the encoder polarity being reversed.

  3. Use above default values

  4. small moves (.5 inch)
  5. start w/ one motor
  6. increase P until it starts moving
  7. increase I until it goes to the commanded position
  8. increase D until it is stable


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